Urban Prestine Services

Window Cleaning

Creating and maintaining the right appearance is indeed crucial for businesses to attract potential clients, investors, sponsors, and customers. Landscaping and maintaining clean premises, both internally and externally, are significant investments many businesses make to appeal to their target audience. Among these efforts, clean, spotless, and shiny windows play a vital role in enhancing the overall appeal of an office building.

A clean office or building presents a more welcoming front, setting a positive tone for your business. However, commercial window cleaning can be a challenging task.

That's where Urban Commercial Window Cleaning Services comes in. We offer industry-specific, top-quality, and customized window cleaning solutions for buildings in Uganda. With our expertise and convenience, we help you maintain the look of your building, ensuring it leaves a lasting impression on clients and visitors.
Our Window Cleaning Solutions

Some of the methods we use to clean windows of buildings/offices are as follows:


Pressure washing

Here, we wash the glasses of a building/office with a high-pressure window washer with the use of ropes.


Steam or Hot Pressurized Cleaning

This method is not commonly used but can help to remove built-up plants and soil deposits.


Water Soaking

In this method, our window cleaners start with washing dirt present on the surface of the windows through a steady stream of water. Then, the facade surface is scrubbed or rinsed with precision and care.


Chemical Cleaning

This method of cleaning windows involves the use of chemical products such as organic solvents, acidic cleaners, and alkaline cleaners. It helps in removing dirt, stains, paint, coatings, and graffiti.

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